Time table
* One ticket is valid for one screening only.
* There might be some change in the programmes or guest speakers.
* Some films might be screened in video format due to technical reasons.
* Trilingual catalogue in Korean, English and Japanese will be available during the event.
* Programmes will be English subtitled.
ticket prices
same day tickets (single screening) : 1,000 JPY
same day tickets (3 screenings) : 2,700 JPY
advanced tickets (single screening) : 800 JPY
advanced tickets (3 screenings) : 2,100 JPY
Korean Independent Cinema 2004 Pass : 4,500 JPY
*Advanced tickets will be available at Theatre Image Forum and Ticket PIA(tel: 0570-02-9999) from the end of January.
2004 The Agency for Cultural Affairs. ALL RIGHT RESERVED